Golden Years!
Hello, welcome to our weekly blog.
Usually after the early cattle sales, November presents as the quietest month of the year. We usually use this time to get prepared for the chaos of Christmas and a winter clean of all the cupbards and storage areas. Storage areas here, get filled with everything and anything, usually because I have a very "oh this might come in handy one day" but never does kind of approach to things! I'll get badgered to be ruthless by Megan and tackle this clear out once a year, and after a few "throw that out or else!" moments, I take great delight in seeing a nice clean, spacious cupboard, even if it doesn't last long! However, this annual clear out hasn't happened yet this year, as the November lull hasn't arrived yet.
We had a wonderful weekend of celebrations at the hotel just passed. The big one was Liz & Derek's 50th Wedding anniversary. A beautiful coming together of their nearest and dearest to celebrate their absolutely huge acheivement! A Golden Wedding Anniversary isn't something we see a lot of here, and it really was wonderful to witness two very valued and respected friends and customers, who have supported our business for so very long, celebrate such a milestone. The room looked fab, after Liz & her daughter Amanda decorated it, some really fun and effective ideas were implemented and the place looked great. I took note of some of the things they did for future events at the hotel! Derek looked handsome in his suit, but, and I'm sure he wouldn't mind me saying, Liz stole the show in a dazzling gold outfit, and looked stunning! The two of them enjoyed an intimate event in the function suite with live dj, buffet combos, and a fizz reception, and it was just a perfect way to celebrate! We loved being a part of it all! Happy Golden Wedding Anniversary Liz & Derek!
The restaurant was extremely busy this weekend, we weren't sure if it was a holiday weekend, but then realised, Harris & Co hosted their annual wine festival on Saturday, and we welcomed many diners who had been to it. There was an almost tangible buzz around the restaurant, probably wine induced from a great day at the wine festival, but I thought it was worth mentioning in this weeks blog just how much events like this do for the whole town. Not just events, but local busineses making an effort in any way has such a wider impact on the whole town. We had a really busy restaurant because of it, I'm sure the local pubs did a great trade after it too! We seated drinks only parties where we could too, for those that just weren't quite ready to call it a day after the festival, which made for a really nice Saturday early evening in the Lounge. We couldn't accommodate everyone, but I must say it was really nice to see so many people so understanding of this, and many came back later on when we had space, which was lovely. Big thanks to Harris and Co for organising such a great event for the town. When people come out to something happening in Castle Douglas, they mostly don't just do that one thing. I know that at our Cocktails and Combos events, guests either arrive after frequenting a few other establishments, or head down the town afterwards for either a few drinks or something to eat. It's important to realise how much just one business can do for all the rest in the town, and that supporting and championing each other is in everyone's best interests. I see and feel this happening more than ever lately, and I'm really proud of that happening in our beautiful town!
As pool league season is now upon us, next week I have some really funny stories related to our all female pool team who have been competing as the only female pool team in the entire league for 11 years now, there's some crackers for sure!
Thanks for reading,
Emma. x
01556 505070